Thursday - Section A (18-Jul-24) (18-Jul-24)
Board 1
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
114H SKC+1450 14.81.2
233NT N7D-2 1001.214.8
353H S9C+2200 9.16.9
476H STS-2 1001.214.8
59 N=Adjusted score88
624H S7C+1450 14.81.2
745H S7C-1 505.810.2
863NT N4C-1 505.810.2
984H S5C=420 11.44.6
Board 2
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
113CX EKS-51100 15.90.1
232D S6C+1110 6.99.1
353H S8C=140 10.25.8
47 N=Adjusted score88
593H S6C+1170 13.62.4
624H S6C-1 1002.413.6
743S NTS=140 10.25.8
862NT N2C-1 1002.413.6
984H S3D-1 1002.413.6
Board 3
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
114H E9S+3 7105.810.2
234H E9S+3 7105.810.2
35 N=Adjusted score88
474H E9S+3 7105.810.2
594H E3D+3 7105.810.2
624H EAC+2 68014.81.2
744H E3C+2 68014.81.2
864H E9S+3 7105.810.2
984H E5D+3 7105.810.2
Board 4
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
112S WTS= 1106.99.1
23 N=Adjusted score88
352H S5S=110 12.53.5
471NT S4S-1 1009.16.9
592H S5S+1140 15.90.1
622H SJD=110 12.53.5
742H S4S-2 2003.512.5
862NT S2S-3 3000.115.9
982NT S2S-2 2003.512.5
Board 5
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
194S E4S-3150 15.90.1
223NT E8C-2100 9.16.9
342D W5C-2100 9.16.9
462H E8D= 1100.115.9
583S E5H-150 2.413.6
61 N=Adjusted score88
732H E4S-2100 9.16.9
852NT EJC-2100 9.16.9
972S E5H-2100 9.16.9
Board 6
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
194H NKD-1 5012.53.5
223H N3D-2 1006.99.1
344HX NQC-2 3000.115.9
463HX NQS-1 1006.99.1
58 N=Adjusted score88
613NT WAH-1100 15.90.1
733NT NQS-3 1502.413.6
853H N3D-1 5012.53.5
974H N3D-2 1006.99.1
Board 7
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
193D WKH+1 1306.99.1
224S E4H-2200 14.81.2
344H N6D-2 2001.214.8
46 N=Adjusted score88
583H N7D-2 2001.214.8
614D WKH= 1306.99.1
733D EJH= 11011.44.6
851NT WKH-2200 14.81.2
973D WKH+1 1306.99.1
Board 8
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
193H N2D+1170 4.611.4
224H N5S-1 500.115.9
34 N=Adjusted score88
464H N5S=420 10.25.8
584H N5S=420 10.25.8
614H N5S+1450 15.90.1
734H N5S=420 10.25.8
854H N7D=420 10.25.8
975DX WKH-1100 2.413.6
Board 9
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
183H NJC-2 10088
212H NJC-1 5011.44.6
334H NJC-3 1500.115.9
451H N7S+2140 15.90.1
573S E9H= 1403.512.5
691H N4S=80 13.62.4
72 N=Adjusted score88
844H N7S-2 10088
963S E9H= 1403.512.5
Board 10
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
183NT S4D=600 88
212C EAD-2200 2.413.6
336C N6C-3 3000.115.9
453NT N6C=600 88
573NT N8D=600 88
69 N=Adjusted score88
723NT S4D=600 88
843NT S5C+1630 13.62.4
963NT N2C+2660 15.90.1
Board 11
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
183NT S9S+2460 15.90.1
215D SAH=400 6.99.1
333NT N7C+1430 13.62.4
453NT N7C=400 6.99.1
57 N=Adjusted score88
692C N3H-1 501.214.8
725D SAH=400 6.99.1
846NT N5C-1 501.214.8
965D S6C+1420 11.44.6
Board 12
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
183NT STH+2660 14.81.2
213NT S8H=600 1.214.8
333NT N5D+1630 9.16.9
45 N=Adjusted score88
573NT S8H+1630 9.16.9
693NT S8H+2660 14.81.2
724S N5D=620 4.611.4
843NT S9H=600 1.214.8
963NT N5D+1630 9.16.9
Board 13
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
173NTX E6H-3800 15.90.1
292S E7C= 1102.413.6
323D WTH-2200 12.53.5
443H STS=140 6.99.1
563S W5H-2200 12.53.5
683NTX NJS-2 5000.115.9
711NT STS=90 4.611.4
83 N=Adjusted score88
951NT N6S+3180 9.16.9
Board 14
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
173D E8D+1 1306.99.1
293NT W6H= 4003.512.5
323D E4S= 11010.25.8
443NT E4S= 4003.512.5
563D EQC= 11010.25.8
683NT E5C-150 13.62.4
71 N=Adjusted score88
833NT EAS+2 4600.115.9
952NT EQC-3150 15.90.1
Board 15
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
171NT E3S= 909.16.9
291C EKH= 7013.62.4
322D E2H+1 1106.99.1
441NT E3S+2 1502.413.6
561NT E3S+2 1502.413.6
68 N=Adjusted score88
711C E8S-150 15.90.1
831NT E3S+2 1502.413.6
951S EKH= 8011.44.6
Board 16
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
17PASS N= 03.512.5
292S SQC=110 10.25.8
32PASS N= 03.512.5
44PASS N= 03.512.5
56 N=Adjusted score88
681S N6C+2140 14.81.2
712S NKD=110 10.25.8
832S SKH+1140 14.81.2
95PASS N= 03.512.5
Board 17
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
164H SQC=420 9.16.9
283H SQC+2200 2.413.6
316H NQD-2 1000.115.9
434H SQC=420 9.16.9
554H S5D+1450 14.81.2
674H SQC=420 9.16.9
793NT SQC=400 4.611.4
824H S5S+1450 14.81.2
94 N=Adjusted score88
Board 18
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
164S N2D=620 14.81.2
283D W3H-150 0.115.9
312S NKD+2170 88
434S NTD=620 14.81.2
553S N2D+1170 88
672S NKD+1140 2.413.6
793S N2D+1170 88
82 N=Adjusted score88
943S N2D+1170 88
Board 19
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
165H S3C=450 11.44.6
283S WAS= 1400.115.9
315H SKS=450 11.44.6
434H NJS=420 6.99.1
554SX WAC-1200 4.611.4
675H SKS-1 502.413.6
79 N=Adjusted score88
824H S6C+2480 15.90.1
944H NJS+1450 11.44.6
Board 20
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
164S E4H+2 68088
283NT E4C+3 6903.512.5
316NT WAH= 14400.115.9
434S W6D+1 65013.62.4
554S W5H+2 68088
67 N=Adjusted score88
793NT W2C= 60015.90.1
823NT W5H+2 66011.44.6
943NT W9S+3 6903.512.5
Board 21
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
15 N=Adjusted score88
273NT W3H+2 4600.115.9
393NT WQD+1 4303.512.5
422NT W3H+1 15012.53.5
542NT W2H+2 18088
663NT W3H+1 4303.512.5
783NT W3H-150 15.90.1
812NT W3H+1 15012.53.5
932NT WQD+2 18088
Board 22
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
154S E2C-2200 10.25.8
274S E3H-1100 4.611.4
393NT W6H-2200 10.25.8
422NT W4D= 1202.413.6
544S E3H-2200 10.25.8
663S E3H= 1400.115.9
786S E3H-2200 10.25.8
815SX ETC-2500 15.90.1
93 N=Adjusted score88
Board 23
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
152H E3S+2 17010.25.8
272H E2C+2 17010.25.8
394H EAD= 6203.512.5
424H E3S-1100 15.90.1
544H E2S= 6203.512.5
662H E3S+1 14013.62.4
784H E8S= 6203.512.5
81 N=Adjusted score88
934H E2C= 6203.512.5
Board 24
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
155S EKC-150 88
274H W2C+1 4500.115.9
395C S9S=400 13.62.4
425C S9S+1420 15.90.1
544H W8S= 4202.413.6
664S EAC-150 88
78 N=Adjusted score88
815S EAC-150 88
934S EAC-150 88
Board 25
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
144C W3C-1100 2.413.6
26 N=Adjusted score88
385HX N8C-2 3000.115.9
415CX WAS-2500 12.53.5
535CX W3C-2500 12.53.5
655CX WAS-2500 12.53.5
775CX WAS-2500 12.53.5
894H N8C=420 5.810.2
924H N8C=420 5.810.2
Board 26
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
14 N=Adjusted score88
263D EKS= 1100.115.9
381S NKD+1110 2.413.6
412S NKD+1140 10.25.8
533S N9D=140 10.25.8
652S N3C+1140 10.25.8
772S NKD+1140 10.25.8
892S NKD+1140 10.25.8
923S NKD=140 10.25.8
Board 27
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
144S S2D-3 1500.115.9
263D SJC+2150 13.62.4
383D SJC+2150 13.62.4
413S WKD-2100 4.611.4
534D SAS=130 88
654D SJC=130 88
774D SAS+1150 13.62.4
894H N6S-2 1002.413.6
92 N=Adjusted score88
Board 28
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
143NT E7H+1 4300.115.9
263D WAC+2 1504.611.4
385D WAC= 4002.413.6
414D WAC= 13011.44.6
533D WAC+1 13011.44.6
654D WAC= 13011.44.6
773D WAC+1 13011.44.6
89 N=Adjusted score88
922D WAC+2 13011.44.6
Board 29
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
132H EKC= 1101.214.8
252H EAC-1100 6.99.1
37 N=Adjusted score88
493C SAH+1130 11.44.6
523H EAC-2200 14.81.2
642H EAC= 1101.214.8
762C S2C+1110 9.16.9
883C S4H-1 1004.611.4
914H EAC-2200 14.81.2
Board 30
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
134S W9D-150 11.44.6
25 N=Adjusted score88
372S W9D+3 2002.413.6
494S W9D-150 11.44.6
523NT N3C-3 1506.99.1
644S WAH= 4200.115.9
763S WAH+1 1704.611.4
884S W9D-150 11.44.6
914SX W9D-1100 15.90.1
Board 31
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
13 N=Adjusted score88
255NT E4S-3150 13.62.4
373C W7H-150 9.16.9
492C W2S= 906.99.1
522H W4D-3150 13.62.4
643NT E4S+1 4300.115.9
764C W7H-3150 13.62.4
883NT W4H= 4002.413.6
912C W4H+1 1104.611.4
Board 32
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
133H E5S+1 1703.512.5
253H EQC= 1406.99.1
374H EQC+1 6500.115.9
493S SJH-2 10010.25.8
524H E2S-1100 13.62.4
643H E2S+1 1703.512.5
762S S4H+1140 15.90.1
883S SJH-2 10010.25.8
91 N=Adjusted score88
Board 33
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
122C WAH-3150 15.90.1
241NT WAS+3 1805.810.2
361NT W6C+2 15010.25.8
48 N=Adjusted score88
511NT WKS+3 1805.810.2
633D E2S= 11013.62.4
753NT WAS= 4002.413.6
873NT WAS+1 4300.115.9
993H SAC-3 15010.25.8
Board 34
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
122D E4C+3 15013.62.4
244H EJS+1 4501.214.8
36 N=Adjusted score88
482D EJC+3 15013.62.4
513H WAC+2 2006.99.1
633D WAC+2 15013.62.4
752H EJS+3 2006.99.1
873H WAC+2 2006.99.1
994H WAC+1 4501.214.8
Board 35
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
122S SJH+2170 15.90.1
24 N=Adjusted score88
364S SJH-1 503.512.5
482S SJH-1 503.512.5
512S SJH+1140 11.44.6
633S SJH-3 1500.115.9
753S S7D=140 11.44.6
872S SJH=110 6.99.1
993S SJH=140 11.44.6
Board 36
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
12 N=Adjusted score88
242S N5D+3200 0.115.9
364S NQC+1650 6.99.1
486S NAS=1430 15.90.1
514S NJC+1650 6.99.1
634S N2H+1650 6.99.1
754S N5D+2680 13.62.4
874S N8H+1650 6.99.1
994S N3D+1650 6.99.1

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