Bridge Chestnut 5 - "Playing at the five level belongs to the opponents"


This chestnut comes from the fact that it is very rare that both 5 and 5 will be making contracts. It is very likely that both 5 and 5 will fail.

If North follows this chestnut, he should pass or double 5 and not bid 5.

Does North really know what South has for his 4 bid? I doubt it. That is a good reason to pass with ordinary hands.

Of course, there will be exceptions. If you opened 1 with 10 HCP and a 7 card suit, you have a better case for bidding 5.

If you are sure 5 is going off without spade tricks, then opener should double � if only to keep partner quiet.

If opener wishes to investigate slam � great hand, diamond void etc � he needs to bid 5H. That shows a better hand than a 5 bid.

In summary, this chestnut applies for ordinary hands. Both sides are probably out of their depth at the 5 level.

Go to Chestnut 6 - A change of suit by an unpassed responder is forcing