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Presidents Trophy Red Points - individual entry     More details
DateMonday, 10 February 2025, starting 9.00am for 9.15am
LocationCoolum Bridge Clubhouse
DetailsMembers must nominate as individuals for this one session event by making contact Ali Walker. Ph 0422 791 748
  Convenors will organize the partnerships. There will be no established partnerships. Table fees are $5.00 Trophy!
 Experienced players will be playing with less experienced players. A suggested system card will be available.
 This is a fun event where you are sure to meet someone new!
  ¶ Email an entry to the convenor at [email protected].
List of entriesEntries processed to date:
 Presidents Trophy Red Points - individual entry (29 entries logged)

Coolum SCCBC Interclub Pairs at Coolum     More details
DateWednesday, 19 February 2025, starting 9.00am for 9.30am start. Finish around 4.15pm
LocationCoolum Bridge Clubhouse, 1443 David Low Way, YAROOMBA
MealsBYO Lunch
DetailsMembers of either Coolum or SCCBC are invited to form partnerships to play in this day.
 Structure is like two short club sessions separated by the meal break. Entry fee $10 pp cash at the table.
 Red Points. Play as many as possible of the pairs in the room. Enter by Feb 16th by contacting:-
 Ken Dawson Ph0421 461 814 or Barbara Holmes Ph0411 882 033 email [email protected]
  ¶ Email an entry to the convenor at [email protected].
List of entriesEntries processed to date:
 Coolum SCCBC Interclub Pairs at Coolum (20 entries logged)

Coolum Club Teams afternoons     More details
DateWednesday, 9 April 2025 (3 Wednesdays)