Bridge Chestnut 12 - "At teams, don�t double a partscore between 2H and 4D unless you are sure to defeat it."
When a doubled contract between 2 and 4 makes, declarer receives the game bonus. e.g. 2X vul making 8 tricks scores 670 compared to the undoubled contract scoring 110. This one result may well cost the match. By comparison, 4X making is not so expensive. It costs 790 compared to 620, a difference of 170. 1NTX making 7 tricks scores 180 compared to the undoubled score of 90. This is not such a disaster. Many pairs will back their defence against 1NTX in the hope of collecting a sweet penalty. At teams, it is always the MAGNITUDE of the score which is important. At pairs, it is the rank order of the scores which is important. At pairs, any doubled contract making is bad news for the defence. However, it is still just ONE board out of the session. |