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This section deals with various bridge play issues.

Micro Bridge Lessons: a series of 40 one-page lessons

Click here for a lessons by lesson listing where you can view and/or download individual lessons, or download the complete series (PDF 4Mb) (Revised October 2007).

Ken's Konundrum Korner: A series of 12 interesting bridge puzzlers

Ken's Konundrum Korner - Number 1 to 12 (PDF 150Kb)

Bridge Chestnuts: bridge beliefs and truisms that aren't always the case

1. "Always cover an honour with an honour"
2. "Always lead the top of partner's suit"
3. "Always play second hand low"
4. "Eight ever, nine never"
5. "Playing at the five level belongs to the opponents"
6. "A change of suit by an unpassed responder is forcing"
7. "A new suit at the three level is forcing"
8. "Always maintain length parity with dummy"
9. "Always play the card which you are known to hold"
10. "Always play in the safest contract at the slam level"
11. "At teams, always play in the safest contract at partscore, game or slam"
12. "At teams, don�t double a partscore between 2H and 4D unless you are sure to defeat it"