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Coming Event - Inter Club Graded Teams (Noosa BC)

Inter Club Graded Teams (Noosa BC)     More details
DateSaturday, 11 August 2018, starting 9.30am
LocationNoosa Bridge Clubhouse
MealsBYO Lunch
Other information$40 per team payable on the day
DetailsTeams must indicate the club which they represent - Caloundra, SCCBC, Coolum or Noosa
 Teams must indicate their grade :- C (under 100 MPs each), B(under 400 MPs) or A(Open)
 Enter via Ali Walker 0422791748 phone or text or email below
 There is no entry form! Check that the website shows your entry within a day. Entries close Aug 8th.
  ΒΆ Email an entry to the convenor at